

The International Communion of Evangelical Churches was recently confirmed in the heart of Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr. to offer a clear, concise, and uncompromising voice to address the most pressing issues of our day primarily those relating to righteousness & justice. In many ways the Church has been taken captive and muzzled by political parties, cultural agendas, economic, concerns, or traditional thinking. Many leaders from the nations of the world are asking like King Jehoshaphat in 1 Kings 22:7, “Is there not a prophet here?”


After receiving a series of prophetic words from a myriad of church leaders over a period of several years, it became obvious to Bishop Jackson that the greater dimension of his ministry would be to speak to the culture in two distinct ways:
1) Internally – to the broader church on issues concerning righteousness and justice.
2) Externally – to the culture at large.


Bishop Jackson soon recognized his innate ability to speak Gospel truth relating to these issues in a comprehensible way to the secular world was a unique gift. In this racially charged atmosphere of America, it is imperative that the church transcends race and politics to address the pivotal issues we face as a society. Too often the Church in America has been guilty of taking a very myopic view when addressing the issues of righteousness & justice. The “Christian-Right,” on one hand, has focused on personal, moral, or righteousness issues while dismissing issues regarding biblical justice. On the other hand, a great number of African-American and minority-led churches have been most vocal on issues pertaining to biblical justice, poverty, and civil rights and absent on those relating to righteousness.


The Church in America is too divided and is in desperate need of racial reconciliation. Therefore, a strong visual demonstration of unity is required to speak to the world – Christianity is not just a bunch of grey-haired repressed white men that hate everything. Neither is it a bunch of well-dressed black men preaching in cadence to the faithful in an urban only setting. Nor is it a bunch of hip Latinos hanging out, preaching in street meetings. The Church of Jesus Christ has been called forth under God from every nation tribe and tongue to be one with Him. Jesus clearly stated that this visual demonstration of oneness in the Church would indelibly prove to the world that God indeed sent Him. In this “new wineskin,” the International Communion of Evangelical Churches will merge as several networks of Christian organizations and ministries from around to world to become a network of networks. The International Communion of Evangelical Churches will provide fresh insight, clear vision and a straightforward message for dealing with the issues of righteousness and justice while taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.


ICEC Member Churches



  • Quarterly Newsletter
  • Bi-Annual Convocation
  • Annual Leadership Conference
  • Education and training Programs, Bible College and Institute
  • Licensing, ordination, and certification Programs
  • Accountability to one another
  • Apostolic spiritual covering, advice and guidance for pastors, upon request, including:
    • Counseling for church leaders
    • Mediation of disputes
  • Spiritual covering for member churches, fellowships and ministries
  • Identification and sharing of resources with one another
  • Loyalty to each other, as fellow believers and children of God, with all of the rights and responsibilities of joint heirs with Christ
  • Ministries for local church pastors and ministry development, i.e. men, women, youth, music and other ministries needed to build the church
  • Marriage enrichment & family life support


Member Churches are to give a tithe of a tithe to the International Communion. Apostolic Council Members give a tithe to the Presiding Bishop plus their churches give a tithe of a tithe to the International Communion.